Members weekend (Lads on tour)

Boy oh boy what a weekend! Where to start telling you about it…
Well it all started at Utrecht Central Station. Everybody was excited for the pirate adventure to start even though we didn’t know where we were headed yet! The AcCie had kept it a secret.

It was a long journey. After the train ride and the most terrifying bus ride, as the driver seemed to be going 100 miles an hour whilst taking sharp turns, we continued our journey by foot. As we set off on our 300 hour trek through rough terrain (AKA Brabant) the only thing that kept us going was the thought of Thom and Lennaert having dinner ready for us at our arrival.
And then there it was, in the distance we saw an idyllic scouts hut with smoke comming from the chimney. We could smell the yummie spaghetti bolognese being prepared for us.
After we had warmed up inside with some beers and Uncle Peter had made some inaproriate jokes it was time to get the party stared.
It was a great weekend filled with adventure, fun games as Rage Cage and The Marshmallow Fight, a thrilling scavenger hunt and massive hangovers. We even lost Ramon for a couple of hours… oops.
We’ll remember this weekend as a great adventure…
But the disturbed villagers’ll probably remember it as “The weekend a drunk, lost pirate got picked up and brought home by the police.”

All in all it was an awesome weekend!

bier ramon tafel

Sint & Friet

The Dutch have a weird traditionHappy Sinterklaas on white background
Introducing internationals to it, is our mission
Don’t miss out on all the Sinterklaas fun
You’re in Holland now, you can’t avoid it hun
6,50 you’ll have to pay
In return you’ll get chips and beer Hurray Hurray!
A fun present game we’ll also play
We’ll be having so much fun that day!
Bring a 4 euro present along
Then we’ll teach you a traditional Sinterklaas song
Hope to see you on the 8th of December
It’ll be a party to remember

Greatings from Sinterklaas


Oops, almost forgot to bring it up…
Through this Google from you can sing up

Autumn Tournament

Such a great turn out at the Autumn Tournament this year! It was great to have so many people joining us from other student squash societies! It was challanging playing against you and lovely meeting you. Hope to see everybody back at future tournaments!

herfst toernooi winnaars herfst toernooi groepsfoto



Introduction day

The introduction day is the first social event of the year, and it was a great succes! It wat nice to see so many new people there. There was a great atmosphere  and we got to play loads of games in the Griftpark. Of course there were many pictures taken 😉 You can admire all of them on our Flickr account!

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