We were finally able to do an outside activity. This time a scavenger hunt was hosted in teams of two in the forest of Rhijnauwen and Amelisweerd. Will you be the next Count of Monte Rhijnauwen? Also, we are finally able to play soccer (and more) on the outside grass fields of Olympos! Stay Tuned
Category: Geen categorie
Join US Beat IT
Thank you for visiting our website. Despite the current lockdown until at least the end of March, it is still possible for you to become a member of US Beat It! We have several online activities planned for near future, such as zoom game nights and drinks. We have high hopes for physical activities in the near future such as a weekend away and of course our weekly club nights.
Joining US Beat It costs €25 per year, and you must also possess an Olympas which can be purchased with a student discount. The Olympas grants you access to all facilities at Olympos – it can be a yearly or half-yearly subscription. This link leads to the registration form to become a member.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing bestuur@usbeatit.nl
Beat It clubnights suspended
Due to new Corona measures, US Beat It has to cancel all clubnights at least until the 19th of January. Nevertheless, we wish everybody a merry christmass and a happy new year. See you soon!
UPDATE: Corona is still going on, so still no squash:(. We expect to give more information near the end of the lockdown (now 8th of february)
Sinterklaas visited Clubnight
Thursday the fourth of december Sinterklaas made a short visit to the clubnight of Beat It. The old man had a little present for all.